Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beer Bread Recipe

I recently tried out this recipe which I found on the net. Its really easy and good.

Mix 2 2/3 cup self rising flour with 12 ounce beer

*make sure it is self rising flour. Also I was told that some beers produce a better flavor and the recipe recommended Budweiser. One commenter even said she used a cherry wheat beer with really good results (I never heard of cherry wheat). I just used what we had on hand...Busch I think.

Put batter in greased bread pan and bake at 375 for 50 minutes. Take out of oven, Let sit in pan 5 minutes and serve.

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Meal Plan

  I had a calm and pleasant Mother's Day yesterday. I hope you all did as well. I started the day making oatmeal cookies with cranberrie...