Friday, April 26, 2013

The Bats at McNeil Bridge

As part of our volunteer service as trainees with Texas Master Naturalists, hubby and I spend some of our Friday evenings out helping to man the information table for the bats at McNeil Bridge in Round Rock.

The McNeil Bridge has over a 1,800,000 Mexican Free Tailed bats that come out every evening from Spring till October which is when they migrate back to Mexico.

It is an awesome sight to watch them fly out from under the bridge in their particularly methodical order.

While we are there we hand out information flyers on the bats and we are learning from other, more seasoned members of our group, to answer questions about the bats when curious onlookers show up to watch the bats in the evening.

There is another more well known "bat bridge" farther south of us and that is the Congress Avenue bridge in Austin but it really has no more bats than the McNeil bridge, it is just better known.

The link below tells more about the Mexican Free Tailed Bat. It also mentions Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin.

Mexican Free Tailed Bat

1 comment:

  1. My grandson and I "adopted" a Mexican free-tailed bat a few years ago through Bat Conservation International. He named her "Fruitcup."


Meal Plan

  I had a calm and pleasant Mother's Day yesterday. I hope you all did as well. I started the day making oatmeal cookies with cranberrie...