Sunday, March 8, 2015

Shopping Day

The flash flood watch notice in my email seems a bit over zealous on the part of the forecasters. It only just started raining during the night and not all that much, from what I can tell. Maybe they will prove me wrong as the day goes on, who knows.

Yesterday hubby and I did some shopping. He has gotten interested in Blacksmithing and was in search of tools to gather up for his new hobby.  We went to a couple of his "gettin' stores", which by his definition is any store that he is especially likes. These stores were for "tool gettin'".

We had a lot of fun yesterday, laughing and joking as we spent some much needed time together. I got really tickled at one particular store who carried items that, though not a tool, would definitely appeal to tag along kids or the kid inside the man, whichever the case!

During the course of each week, hubby works long hours and has quite a commute as well. By the time he gets home we are all tired from our day's work and don't feel much like talking so Saturday is our chance to reconnect.

After Gene did his shopping I suggested that he take me to look for a new couch or chair. One that we have is a little bit too big for me; the seat is too wide. Gene took me too a furniture store, but before we ever went in, I said to skip that store and go to a nice consignment shop I knew of in Georgetown. They have some lovely furniture there, and if it's used, I won't pitch such a fit if the dogs mess it up.

So off to the consignment shop we went. I didn't find any "yes, definitely" furniture but I did find one "maybe". I am purposely waiting to go back because the price goes down the longer it takes to sell, and I am betting that one loveseat by itself will not sell as quickly.

Before calling it a day we went into a Goodwill store just for grins. I started looking at the clothes and found a few really good brand tops and picked up a couple of those. With that, our shopping day was done and we came home.

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